Announcing Typecasts
As of version 0.3.0, Flow supports typecast expression.
A typecast expression is a simple way to type-annotate any JavaScript expression. Here are some examples of typecasts:
(1 + 1 : number);
var a = { name: (null: ?string) };
([1, 'a', true]: Array<mixed>).map(fn);
For any JavaScript expression <expr>
and any Flow type <type>
, you can write
(<expr> : <type>)
Note: the parentheses are necessary.
How Typecasts Work
To evaluate a typecast expression, Flow will first check that <expr>
is a <type>
(1+1: number); // this is fine
(1+1: string); // but this is is an error
Second, Flow will infer that the typecast expression (<expr>: <type>)
has the type <type>
[(0: ?number)]; // Flow will infer the type Array<?number>
[0]; // Without the typecast, Flow infers the type Array<number>
Typecasts obey the same rules as other type annotations, so they provide the same safety guarantees. This means they are safe unless you explicitly use the any
type to defeat Flow's typechecking. Here are examples of upcasting (which is allowed), downcasting (which is forbidden), and using any
class Base {}
class Child extends Base {}
var child: Child = new Child();
// Upcast from Child to Base, a more general type: OK
var base: Base = new Child();
// Upcast from Child to Base, a more general type: OK
(child: Base);
// Downcast from Base to Child: unsafe, ERROR
(base: Child);
// Upcast base to any then downcast any to Child.
// Unsafe downcasting from any is allowed: OK
((base: any): Child);
More examples
Typecasts are particularly useful to check assumptions and help Flow infer the types you intend. Here are some examples:
(x: number) // Make Flow check that x is a number
(0: ?number) // Tells Flow that this expression is actually nullable.
(null: ?number) // Tells Flow that this expression is a nullable number.
Like type annotations and other Flow features, typecasts need to be transformed away before the code can be run. The transforms will be available in react-tools 0.13.0
when it is published soon, but for now they're available in 0.13.0-beta.2
, which you can install with
npm install react-tools@0.13.0-beta.2