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Typing Generators with Flow

Sam Goldman

Flow 0.14.0 included support for generator functions. Generator functions provide a unique ability to JavaScript programs: the ability to suspend and resume execution. This kind of control paves the way for async/await, an upcoming feature already supported by Flow.

So much wonderful material has already been produced describing generators. I am going to focus on the interaction of static typing with generators. Please refer to the following materials for information about generators:

  • Jafar Husain gave an incredibly lucid and well-illustrated talk that covers generators. I have linked to the point where he gets into generators, but I highly recommend the entire talk.
  • Exploring ES6, a comprehensive book by Axel Rauschmayer, who has generously made the contents available for free online, has a chapter on generators.
  • The venerable MDN has a useful page describing the Iterator interface and generators.

In Flow, the Generator interface has three type parameters: Yield, Return, and Next. Yield is the type of values which are yielded from the generator function. Return is the type of the value which is returned from the generator function. Next is the type of values which are passed into the generator via the next method on the Generator itself. For example, a generator value of type Generator<string,number,boolean> will yield strings, return a number, and will receive booleans from its caller.

For any type T, a Generator<T,void,void> is both an Iterable<T> and an Iterator<T>.

The unique nature of generators allows us to represent infinite sequences naturally. Consider the infinite sequence of natural numbers:

function *nats() {
let i = 0;
while (true) {
yield i++;

Because generators are also iterators, we can manually iterate the generator:

const gen = nats();
console.log(; // { done: false, value: 0 }
console.log(; // { done: false, value: 1 }
console.log(; // { done: false, value: 2 }

When done is false, value will have the generator's Yield type. When done is true, value will have the generator's Return type or void if the consumer iterates past the completion value.

function *test() {
yield 1;
return "complete";
const gen = test();
console.log(; // { done: false, value: 1 }
console.log(; // { done: true, value: "complete" }
console.log(; // { done: true, value: undefined }

Because of this behavior, manually iterating poses typing difficulties. Let's try to take the first 10 values from the nats generator through manual iteration:

const gen = nats();
const take10: number[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
const { done, value } =;
if (done) {
} else {
take10.push(value); // error!
13: const { done, value } =;
^^^^^^^^^^ call of method `next`
17: take10.push(value); // error!
^^^^^ undefined. This type is incompatible with
11: const take10: number[] = [];
^^^^^^ number

Flow is complaining that value might be undefined. This is because the type of value is Yield | Return | void, which simplifies in the instance of nats to number | void. We can introduce a dynamic type test to convince Flow of the invariant that value will always be number when done is false.

const gen = nats();
const take10: number[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
const { done, value } =;
if (done) {
} else {
if (typeof value === "undefined") {
throw new Error("`value` must be a number.");
take10.push(value); // no error

There is an open issue which would make the dynamic type test above unnecessary, by using the done value as a sentinel to refine a tagged union. That is, when done is true, Flow would know that value is always of type Yield and otherwise of type Return | void.

Even without the dynamic type test, this code is quite verbose and it's hard to see the intent. Because generators are also iterable, we can also use for...of loops:

const take10: number[] = [];
let i = 0;
for (let nat of nats()) {
if (i === 10) break;

That's much better. The for...of looping construct ignores completion values, so Flow understands that nat will always be number. Let's generalize this pattern further using generator functions:

function *take<T>(n: number, xs: Iterable<T>): Iterable<T> {
if (n <= 0) return;
let i = 0;
for (let x of xs) {
yield x;
if (++i === n) return;

for (let n of take(10, nats())) {
console.log(n); // 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Note that we explicitly annotated the parameters and return type of the take generator. This is necessary to ensure Flow understands the fully generic type. This is because Flow does not currently infer a fully generic type, but instead accumulates lower bounds, resulting in a union type.

function identity(x) { return x }
var a: string = identity(""); // error
var b: number = identity(0); // error

The above code produces errors because Flow adds string and number as lower bounds to the type variable describing the type of the value bound by x. That is, Flow believes the type of identity is (x: string | number) => string | number because those are the types which actually passed through the function.

Another important feature of generators is the ability to pass values into the generator from the consumer. Let's consider a generator scan, which reduces values passed into the generator using a provided function. Our scan is similar to Array.prototype.reduce, but it returns each intermediate value and the values are provided imperatively via next.

As a first pass, we might write this:

function *scan<T,U>(init: U, f: (acc: U, x: T) => U): Generator<U,void,T> {
let acc = init;
while (true) {
const next = yield acc;
acc = f(acc, next);

We can use this definition to implement an imperative sum procedure:

let sum = scan(0, (a,b) => a + b);
console.log(; // { done: false, value: 0 }
console.log(; // { done: false, value: 1 }
console.log(; // { done: false, value: 3 }
console.log(; // { done: false, value: 6 }

However, when we try to check the above definition of scan, Flow complains:

7: acc = f(acc, next);
^^^^^^^^^^^^ function call
7: acc = f(acc, next);
^^^^ undefined. This type is incompatible with
3: function *scan<T,U>(init: U, f: (acc: U, x: T) => U): Generator<U,void,T> {
^ some incompatible instantiation of T

Flow is complaining that our value, next, may be void instead of the expected T, which is number in the sum example. This behavior is necessary to ensure type safety. In order to prime the generator, our consumer must first call next without an argument. To accommodate this, Flow understands the argument to next to be optional. This means Flow will allow the following code:

let sum = scan(0, (a,b) => a + b);
console.log(; // first call primes the generator
console.log(; // we should pass a value, but don't need to

In general, Flow doesn't know which invocation is "first." While it should be an error to pass a value to the first next, and an error to not pass a value to subsequent nexts, Flow compromises and forces your generator to deal with a potentially void value. In short, given a generator of type Generator<Y,R,N> and a value x of type Y, the type of the expression yield x is N | void.

We can update our definition to use a dynamic type test that enforces the non-void invariant at runtime:

function *scan<T,U>(init: U, f: (acc: U, x: T) => U): Generator<U,void,T> {
let acc = init;
while (true) {
const next = yield acc;
if (typeof next === "undefined") {
throw new Error("Caller must provide an argument to `next`.");
acc = f(acc, next);

There is one more important caveat when dealing with typed generators. Every value yielded from the generator must be described by a single type. Similarly, every value passed to the generator via next must be described by a single type.

Consider the following generator:

function *foo() {
yield 0;
yield "";

const gen = foo();
const a: number =; // error
const b: string =; // error

This is perfectly legal JavaScript and the values a and b do have the correct types at runtime. However, Flow rejects this program. Our generator's Yield type parameter has a concrete type of number | string. The value property of the iterator result object has the type number | string | void.

We can observe similar behavior for values passed into the generator:

function *bar() {
var a = yield;
var b = yield;
return {a,b};

const gen = bar();; // prime the generator;
const ret: { a: number, b: string } ="").value; // error

The value ret has the annotated type at runtime, but Flow also rejects this program. Our generator's Next type parameter has a concrete type of number | string. The value property of the iterator result object thus has the type void | { a: void | number | string, b: void | number | string }.

While it may be possible to use dynamic type tests to resolve these issues, another practical option is to use any to take on the type safety responsibility yourself.

function *bar(): Generator {
var a = yield;
var b = yield;
return {a,b};

const gen = bar();; // prime the generator;
const ret: void | { a: number, b: string } ="").value; // OK

(Note that the annotation Generator is equivalent to Generator<any,any,any>.)

Phew! I hope that this will help you use generators in your own code. I also hope this gave you a little insight into the difficulties of applying static analysis to a highly dynamic language such as JavaScript.

To summarize, here are some of the lessons we've learned for using generators in statically typed JS:

  • Use generators to implement custom iterables.
  • Use dynamic type tests to unpack the optional return type of yield expressions.
  • Avoid generators that yield or receive values of multiple types, or use any.