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Type Refinements

Refinements allow us to narrow the type of a value based on conditional tests.

For example, in the function below value is a union of "A" or "B".

1function func(value: "A" | "B") {2  if (value === "A") {3    value as "A";4  }5}

Inside of the if block we know that value must be "A" because that's the only time the if-statement will be true.

The ability for a static type checker to be able to tell that the value inside the if statement must be "A" is known as a refinement.

Next we'll add an else block to our if statement.

1function func(value: "A" | "B") {2  if (value === "A") {3    value as "A";4  } else {5    value as "B";6  }7}

Inside of the else block we know that value must be "B" because it can only be "A" or "B" and we've removed "A" from the possibilities.

Ways to refine in Flow

typeof checks

You can use a typeof value === "<type>" check to refine a value to one of the categories supported by the typeof operator.

The typeof operator can output "undefined","boolean", "number", "bigint", "string", "symbol", "function", or "object".

Keep in mind that the typeof operator will return "object" for objects, but also null and arrays as well.

1function func(value: mixed) {2  if (typeof value === "string") {3    value as string;4  } else if (typeof value === "boolean") {5    value as boolean;6  } else if (typeof value === "object") {7    // `value` could be null, an array, or an object8    value as null | interface {} | $ReadOnlyArray<mixed>;9  }10}

To check for null, use a value === null equality check.

1function func(value: mixed) {2  if (value === null) {3    value as null; // `value` is null4  }5}

To check for arrays, use Array.isArray:

1function func(value: mixed) {2  if (Array.isArray(value)) {3    value as $ReadOnlyArray<mixed>; // `value` is an array4  }5}

Equality checks

As shown in the introductory example, you can use an equality check to narrow a value to a specific type. This also applies to equality checks made in switch statements.

1function func(value: "A" | "B" | "C") {2  if (value === "A") {3    value as "A";4  } else {5    value as "B" | "C";6  }7
8  switch (value) {9    case "A":10      value as "A";11      break;12    case "B":13      value as "B";14      break;15    case "C":16      value as "C";17      break;18  }19}

While in general it is not recommended to use == in JavaScript, due to the coercions it performs, doing value == null (or value != null) checks value exactly for null and void. This works well with Flow's maybe types, which create a union with null and void.

1function func(value: ?string) {2  if (value != null) {3    value as string;4  } else {5    value as null | void;6  }7}

You can refine a union of object types based on a common tag, which we call disjoint object unions:

1type A = {type: "A", s: string};2type B = {type: "B", n: number};3
4function func(value: A | B) {5  if (value.type === "A") {6    // `value` is A7    value.s as string; // Works8  } else {9    // `value` is B10    value.n as number; // Works11  }12}

Truthiness checks

You can use non-booleans in JavaScript conditionals. 0, NaN, "", null, and undefined will all coerce to false (and so are considered "falsey"). Other values will coerce to true (and so are considered "truthy").

1function func(value: ?string) {2  if (value) {3    value as string; // Works4  } else {5    value as null | void; // Error! Could still be the empty string ""
6 }7}
5:5-5:9: Cannot cast `value` to union type because string [1] is incompatible with union type [2]. [incompatible-cast]

You can see in the above example why doing a truthy check when your value can be a string or number is not suggested: it is possible to unintentionally check against the "" or 0. We created a Flow lint called sketchy-null to guard against this scenario:

1// flowlint sketchy-null:error2function func(value: ?string) {3  if (value) { // Error!
4 }5}
3:7-3:11: Sketchy null check on string [1] which is potentially an empty string. Perhaps you meant to check for null or undefined [2]? [sketchy-null-string]

in checks

You can use the in operator to check if a property exists on an object (either in its own properties, or up the prototype chain). This can be used to refine a union of objects:

1function func(obj: {foo: string, value: boolean} | {bar: string, value: number}) {2  if ('foo' in obj) {3    obj.value as boolean; // Works!4  } else {5    obj.value as number; // Works!6  }7}

This works best on unions of exact objects, since in the negation we know the property does not exist. We cannot say the same for inexact objects, interfaces, and instance types, since they may have other unknown properties, including the one we are checking. Additionally, optional properties may or may not exist, so are not particularly useful to check against.

If you want to refine a union of tuple types based on whether an element exists, check the length property instead of attempting to use in.

instanceof checks

You can use the instanceof operator to narrow a value as well. It checks if the supplied constructor's prototype is anywhere in a value's prototype chain.

1class A {2  amaze(): void {}3}4class B extends A {5  build(): void {}6}7
8function func(value: mixed) {9  if (value instanceof B) {10    value.amaze(); // Works11; // Works12  }13
14  if (value instanceof A) {15    value.amaze(); // Works16; // Error
17 }18 19 if (value instanceof Object) {20 value.toString(); // Works21 }22}
16:11-16:15: Cannot call `` because property `build` is missing in `A` [1]. [prop-missing]


Flow follows your control flow and narrows the type of a variable after you have assigned to it.

1declare const b: boolean;2
3let x: ?string = b ? "str" : null;4
5x as ?string;6
7x = "hi";8
9// We know `x` must now be a string after the assignment10x as string; // Works

Type Guards

You can create a reusable refinement by defining a function which is a type guard.

1function nonMaybe<T>(x: ?T): x is T {2  return x != null;
3}4 5function func(value: ?string) {6 if (nonMaybe(value)) {7 value as string; // Works!8 }9}
2:10-2:18: Cannot return `x != null` because the negation of the predicate encoded in this expression needs to completely refine away the guard type `T` [1]. Consider using a one-sided type-guard (`implies x is T`). See 2. in [incompatible-type-guard]

Refinement Invalidations

It is also possible to invalidate refinements, for example:

1function otherFunc() { /* ... */ }2
3function func(value: {prop?: string}) {4  if (value.prop) {5    otherFunc();6    value.prop.charAt(0); // Error!
7 }8}
6:16-6:21: Cannot call `value.prop.charAt` because property `charAt` is missing in undefined [1]. [incompatible-use]

The reason for this is that we don't know that otherFunc() hasn't done something to our value. Imagine the following scenario:

1const obj: {prop?: string} = {prop: "test"};2
3function otherFunc() {4  if (Math.random() > 0.5) {5    delete obj.prop;6  }7}8
9function func(value: {prop?: string}) {10  if (value.prop) {11    otherFunc();12    value.prop.charAt(0); // Error!
13 }14}15 16func(obj);
12:16-12:21: Cannot call `value.prop.charAt` because property `charAt` is missing in undefined [1]. [incompatible-use]

Inside of otherFunc() we sometimes remove prop. Flow doesn't know if the if (value.prop) check is still true, so it invalidates the refinement.

There's a straightforward way to get around this. Store the value before calling another function and use the stored value instead. This way you can prevent the refinement from invalidating.

1function otherFunc() { /* ... */ }2
3function func(value: {prop?: string}) {4  if (value.prop) {5    const prop = value.prop;6    otherFunc();7    prop.charAt(0);8  }9}