Types & Expressions
In JavaScript there are many types of values: numbers, strings, booleans, functions, objects, and more.
11234 as number;2"hi" as string;3true as boolean;4[1, 2] as Array<number>;5({prop: "value"}) as {prop: string};6(function func(s: string) {}) as string => void;
These values can be used in many different ways:
11 + 2;2"foo" + "bar";3!true;4[1, 2].push(3);5const obj = {prop: "s"};6let value = obj.prop;7obj.prop = "value";8function func(s: string) {}9func("value");
All of these different expressions create a new type which is a result of the types of values and the operations run on them.
1let num: number = 1 + 2;2let str: string = "foo" + "bar";
In Flow every value and expression has a type.
Figuring out types statically
Flow needs a way to be able to figure out the type of every expression. But it can't just run your code to figure it out, if it did it would be affected by any issues that your code has. For example, if you created an infinite loop Flow would wait for it to finish forever.
Instead, Flow needs to be able to figure out the type of a value by analyzing it without running it (static analysis). It works its way through every known type and starts to figure out what all the expressions around them result in.
For example, to figure out the result of the following expression, Flow needs to figure out what its values are first.
val1 + val2;
If the values are numbers, then the expression results in a number. If the values are strings, then the expression results in a string. There are a number of different possibilities here, so Flow must look up what the values are.
If Flow is unable to figure out what the exact type is for each value, Flow must figure out what every possible value is and check to make sure that the code around it will still work with all of the possible types.
Soundness and Completeness
When you run your code, a single expression will only be run with a limited set of values. But still Flow checks every possible value. In this way Flow is checking too many things or over-approximating what will be valid code.
By checking every possible value, Flow might catch errors that will not actually occur when the code is run. Flow does this in order to be "sound".
In type systems, soundness is the ability for a type checker to catch every single error that might happen at runtime. This comes at the cost of sometimes catching errors that will not actually happen at runtime.
On the flip-side, completeness is the ability for a type checker to only ever catch errors that would happen at runtime. This comes at the cost of sometimes missing errors that will happen at runtime.
In an ideal world, every type checker would be both sound and complete so that it catches every error that will happen at runtime.
Flow tries to be as sound and complete as possible. But because JavaScript was not designed around a type system, Flow sometimes has to make a tradeoff. When this happens Flow tends to favor soundness over completeness, ensuring that code doesn't have any bugs.
Soundness is fine as long as Flow isn't being too noisy and preventing you from being productive. Sometimes when soundness would get in your way too much, Flow will favor completeness instead. There's only a handful of cases where Flow does this.
Other type systems will favor completeness instead, only reporting real errors in favor of possibly missing errors. Unit/Integration testing is an extreme form of this approach. Often this comes at the cost of missing the errors that are the most complicated to find, leaving that part up to the developer.